Saturday, July 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Moon Child...

Here's a cheers to you on this day!
Moon child, it's all about you!
You're rare and there's some magic at play,
Get wild and show your sexiness, too.

Those sky blue eyes are magnetic to me,
I'm drawn to what's hidden behind. 
You sigh when I... explore your body,
Go on get ready... to dish, wish, & grind!

Monday, July 8, 2013

When Comes The Time? (12.5.2002)

When comes the time, I ask. When comes the time when things are supposed to happen? When is it when things are going to get better as any friend or support group may offer as advice when no other answer is deemed reasonable when asked simply...

~"Why does my life suck so badly?"
-Possible response: "Oh, things will get better."

When? I ask, when? When will this magical transition take place and will it make a wrong turn at Albuquerque like the ever popular rabbit does on each road trip, er, um, under-road trip? When does that time come? Does that time EVER come? Is it just a "carrot" to place in front of you to keep you going and to make sure you continue to be that human battery described in The Matrix to further provide resources to others?

--(That is what we are. Do you realize it? Think about it...why do you have a job/money? To pay bills and survive, right? In having bills you are giving someone else a job so they can also offer some of those resources away to keep another person/company going. We are batteries. But that is another story.)--

~"Why do I suffer?"
-"Because you can make it through it."

Oh, is that it? Because I can handle it, huh? Because I can handle it I am untimely ripped from my stance, knocked down simply because I can be, kicked in the stomach, dragged along the dusty concrete into the dirt only to be set in the only puddle of mud for miles, hugged, no, not hugged, rather, mugged and drugged so that as I report the incident I have no credibilty. Oh by the way, ...thanks for nothing!

~"Why can't things fall into place like they are supposed to?"
-"I guess it just isn't the right time."

So, here we are again at this time thing. And you know what the most fucked up thing about that is...We created time. It is only an invention set forth so that we can actually track, trace, and record our "history" as we have called it. Okay, so, it's not the 'right' time. when will it be the right time when things actually work as they are supposed to? How about this question...If it is not the right time, then, is it the wrong time? If not, as I suspect, believe rather, that there is no cut and paste right or wrong, then what is it? Normal? I hope that isn't the answer because if it is...YOU CAN TAKE THAT CARROT AND SHOVE IT! BITE ME and I'LL BITE BACK! HARDER!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Free write

Feeling you against me swaying those hips
Makes me slide my hands down to read your lips
I'll explore your story like I'm a blind man
If I was deaf I'd be saying I want to see that again
I've got my eyes on you saying rewind... damn!
Better yet, I want to collide, go inside, & take you for a ride.
So let's take that & choose our own adventure, find the buried treasure, see if this could... last us forever.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1am turning or slumber point?

Is it time for bed or time to get started. Tonight it's time for bed. Read to you soon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ego Vs. Love

I recently saw an indy show on HBO in the middle of the night that questioned how these two parts of self interact and the impact it has on us.  What do you think?  How do you think Ego interacts with Love?  Do they play fair?  Unfair?  Equal shares?  Which one is stronger for you?