Friday, May 28, 2010

Trouble Inside (is it the worst of it?)

Dark-shaped room is full of tonight.

Her empty glances pan the space until
Black bedroom door defined by the
Pre-afterglow yellow of the hallway light
And colored by the evening's feelings
Comes into her solitarian view.

My eyes are open to her and focused.
Her soft, smooth meaningful grasp slips
Underneath my right array of visible
Heart-protecting bone structures.

I am guided closer to her puckering/
Taut, intense pressured lips are mine--
Eyes o p e n [afraid to close them].

Lightning from her lips to our brains--
simultaneously. I relaxed...and closed my eyes.

[OH NO!]

* * * F L A S H * * *

I thought of you, again.

His overexposed emotions flowed through
Each lip offering himself into, deep
Into more than physical body--soul.
That physical soul searching that did
NOT quite catch me then, did/is now.

Hearts don't connect like dots normally--
Do they? Ours did. But circumstances
Hurt the feelings that didn't know them.

I live now with one Eye closed--
Just to keep this memory alive.

Then, she said, I love you, Amelie.

I snapped back into the present moment.
What I feared doing, I did. I closed
my eyes and rememebered him while
I was with her, my Emily.

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