Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chaos ironc of a thought, however, I believe it to be true. Chaos in theory is ungathered, scatterbrained, if spontaneous were a formation, it would be that, BUT I say different. I say there is method to the Chaos! I say its repetitious manner may seem far fetched, although, it is, in fact, planned out. Just gaze deep and darkly into history...

How many things have repeated themselves? Why is history taught so much? Why does it matter? It matters because you need to be educated enough to realize that even "chaos" has patterns! Everything has patterns! Even relationships and how you transition. EVERYTHING! You pick an almost 'specific genre' of personae to be your partner at the time.

History isn't all about dates and times or events and names, but more of concept! The chaos the world was born under has birthed that which is far from chaotic, respectively, more of a flip-book. If you flip through it you come to an end. If you flip through it again, only faster, the ending is still the same. The actions are the same, the general population, ALL THE SAME. I admit, there would be changes and era difinitive characteristics, but overall, the pattern is the same. You are taught names and dates and times and events, but you need to look at the big picture and that is not something they want to tell you, they want you to grow and see it on your own! That will make you have tiny eyes that perceive more than you'd imagine!

Chaos...even chaos can be predicted overall. Chaos...expected. Chaos...even chaos isn't chaotic enough to be chaos.

-->>With internal conflict so deep, you lose the way back "home."

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