Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Conflicted 2003

How dare you?

How dare you?

You weren't dared to do anything! How dare you? How could you? Is that possible? Are you seriously able to do that without it getting to you or eating that very thing that must exist but is not perceptible to any eye except the optic heart. Your soul. Does it exist? Can you see it? It isn't visible to most. So, in introduction, how dare your soul do / allow or opt not to go along? How dare it?! How dare it go along with anything the rest of your body does?! Why doesn't it just stop and drag it's feet against the old, brown and rust-colored cracked concrete? Why doesn't it just stay put in one place as you keep moving and cause a physical (noticeable) reaction (such as any unexpected quick and fast movement that abandons your stomach to hitch-hike at the corner)? Why can't it be like that? How can your soul allow your cells to continue to operate the best they can? Secondarily, those cells respond to anything you tell them to. How can that just work, as if someone is whipping them, without stopping? They just do as they are told not consciously, of course. Nothing that is done wrong is ever done consciously. How can someone with a conscience do wrong? Or using that conscience continue to do wrong? Why can't the cells just shut down and strike as many unions do today to correct problems that they have? Why don't they just say NO?

To be continued...

when I get/utilize a conscience.

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